AVGEN Gift Card
A way to support the present and future ministry of KesPres by purchasing gift cards to purchase everyday items but by using gift card a support percentage is given to KesPres.
Kirk and Allyson's Send Off Celebration
Come join us to send off Kirk and Allyson with worship and potluck following.
Passing the Baton
One of the most exciting events in the Olympics is the relay. To see the coordination, skill and athletic ability needed, keeps us on the edge of our seats. But there is one aspect that has everyone holding their breath - the hand off or the passing of the baton.
There are many stories in Scripture that speak about transitions, especially when it comes to leadership. As Kirk and Allyson conclude their ministry at KesPres, it is important to remember that ministry will continue because God has provided the church with all it needs through the Spirit of God, who gifts the church and Jesus who does the work, but graciously invites us to join Him in what He is already doing.
For 5 weeks, Kirk and Allyson are going to be looking at 5 important transitions in Scripture, to encourage us and see the skills and gifts needed to help in the handoff and continue the race that has been set out for us.
Holy Weak - Jesus Strong
Alot can happen in a week, especially in first century Palestine. But then again alot can happen in a week in 21st century Georgina as well. You’re invited whether you grew up in the church or not or a believer or a skeptic to come and consider this Jesus who has changed our world and wants to change our lives.
For the past few weeks we have been looking at “The Aposte’s Creed,” which you might have expected wrapped up on the 17th but we will continue over Holy Week with some of those “words” and “phrases” that define and give life to this season and maybe even new life to us.
It begins on Palm Sunday (March 24) at 10:30am with worship and communion, Good Friday on Friday, March 29th at 10:30am and then on Easter Sunday (March 31) at 10:30am.
Come and see what God has done!
LENT: The Apostle's Creed - What We Believe
Someone once said, “It doesn’t matter what you believe, as long as you believe something.” It sounds “good” on paper but is it “good” in reality? It certainly isn’t “good” when it comes to faith. In a world which constantly pushes against faith and even in a church culture which is often confused about faith, the Apostle’s Creed provides a solid ground of many of the pillars of the Christian faith on which we can continue to build our faith.
Alister McGrath writes, “Faith is indeed something that is caught not taught, but there is more to faith than trusting in God. A faith that remains at this level will be immature and superficial, vulnerable to doubt and of little use in evangelism. The Apostle’s Creed (then) is an ideal starting point for this vital process of consolidating your grasp of faith.”
Join us, over the Season of Lent as we dig into faith.
To help you during this season of Lent, we invite you to pick up a small card with “The Apostle’s Creed” on it to memorize (see below), learn about our mission partner: African Hope Learning Center. and follow along in our Lenten Calendar to support items being taken to the school this spring (see below) and finally to sign up to receive a daily Lenten devotional from the Center for Christianity, Culture and the Arts or Redeemer Church.
Annual Meeting
Please join us at our Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 4 as we do “worshipful work together. To help prepare for our meeting, please review reports from those who lead different ministries at KesPres as well as our financials for year end, by clicking on the link below.
Men's Breakfast (MMO)
The last Saturday of every month at 8:30 or 9am (depending on the location) is an opportunity for our KesPres guys (and their friends) to have breakfast together. It’s great food and even better fellowship. Check in to see what local restaurant we will be visiting this month.
Grow Women
Join us on Wednesday nights for a great time of study and prayer, in the community of other women.
Grow Men
Join us on Monday nights for a great time of study and prayer, in the community of other men.
GROW Family
Join us for an evening whether you are young or old, single or married, kids or no kids. This is a night for all ages when GROW Women meet, GROW Men gather and kids receive supervision. It runs every Wednesday night from 6:30-7:45pm.
Food Box
The Food Box Ministry at KesPres is a way of caring for our neighbors in need. Each month, an enthusiastic group of helping hands gather to pack boxes of kitchen staples which are delivered to homes in our community. Currently, we are delivering 34 boxes each month supporting 110 people. Most of the box recipients don’t come from our church but with every box delivery, we bring the church to them. We are thankful for community partnerships with the Food Bank of York Region, Clearwater Farms and Food Rescue – Shoppers Drug Mart along with members of the KesPres family and members of the Georgina community who help us help others by providing the food that goes in each box.
If you would like to help by packing boxes, please reach out to allyson@kespres.ca to be included in our packing rotation.
You can support this ministry through making a financial gift:
- by cheque made out to Keswick Presbyterian Church – note* Food Box Ministry and mailed to:
Keswick Presbyterian Church, 23449 Woodbine Ave, Keswick, ON L4P 0L5
- through online giving. Please contact admin@kespres.ca to arrange a secure password for your gift.
Or you can purchase items to go in the boxes and then either bring them with you to the church when you come on Sunday mornings for worship and drop them in the grocery cart in the foyer or drop them off at the church at some other time during the week by arrangement. Please email allyson@kespres.ca to arrange a drop off time.
Here is a list items which we regularly include in the boxes as we have them available:
Peanut butter/Jam/Cheese Whiz
Granola bars
Sugar as available
Pasta sauce
Pasta or rice packaged sides (sidekicks, etc)
Canned Vegetables
Canned meat: fish, chicken, ham
Mac and Cheese
Cake/muffin mixes
Please: NO junk foods/pop, coffee or tea – we get more than we can give out!
On behalf of the box recipients, thank you for caring.
Life After Christmas
What does life look like after all the presents have been opened, the turkey has been consumed and relatives have finally made their way back to their own homes?
What does life look like after the manger is empty, Jesus’ family is on the move and Jesus is nearing the start date of his ministry?
What do our lives look like after Christmas? Has the “big” event made a difference in our lives?
For the six weeks leading up to Lent we are going to look at the few stories of Jesus’ life after Christmas but before he jumped onto the world scene to see what those stories teach us about “Life after Christmas.”
We hope you will make the time to join us as we move beyond Christmas.
Congregational Budget Meeting
In December every year, KesPres gathers to speak about the budget for the coming year. We call this our Congregational Budget Meeting but it is so much more. We don't simply talk about numbers but what we see God doing and how we can join with Him. So come and be with us on Sunday, December 10 (following worship) as we dream together. Your voice matters.
Below you will find a link to the 2024 Budget. You will notice two columns. One column shows our “usual” budget and the second column shows an “extra-ordinary” expense of repairing the roof because of ongoing problems.
If you have questions concerning the budget please reach out to Deb before the meeting. See you Sunday.
Advent/Christmas 2023
The Season of Advent begins on Sunday, December 3 by gathering around the table and lighting the first Advent Candle and concludes with the fourth Candle being lit on Christmas Eve morning at 10:30am. We gather again on Christmas Eve nite for our family friendly impromptu pageant where we invite you to participate in this world shattering, life changing event when God in the flesh moved into our neighbourhood. It is the most wonderful time of the year and we invite you to take time, not just for worship, but daily as the light around us becomes brighter and brighter in anticipation of the Light of the World.
Family friendly worship happens every Sunday morning at 10:30am. You can find us in person or online on either Facebook Live or our YouTube channel. Our Christmas Eve Worship will be Sunday, December 24 at 6:30pm.
During the Advent Season (Dec 3-24) we invite you to use some of the individual and family helps below, that we believe will make Advent more meaningful , especially during the busy-ness of the Season.
Advent Devotions from Gospel in Life and Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York.
From Biola University a daily devotional sent to you that includes scripture, a devotion, artwork and music.
Family Devotions from Focus on the Family. This is a great resource for parents with little ones looking for child-helps.
Another resource from Focus on the Family that is a daily devotional.
On Christmas morning at 10:30am we will worship and then on Christmas Eve at 6:30pm we will be doing our Impromptu Pageant. It’s an evening of carols, lessons and candles and an opportunity for you to become part of the pageant. It’s a great evening and we would love for you to join us. And maybe even stay into the New Year with KesPres.
Each Christmas KesPres does what they call a GIVE MORE project during Advent. It’s about not getting caught up in the hype of Christmas and spending more, but spending less so we can give more away. Look for more information soon.
During the Advent season, KesPres has a “GIVE MORE” project, where we are invited to spend less on Christmas so that we can give more where the needs are. This year we are supporting Canadian Foodgrains Bank: a Christian organization offering “a Christian response to hunger.” Previously, we have supported CGB in their response to disaster relief in Turkey and Syria following devastating earthquakes earlier this year.
At present, it is difficult to look past the conflict in the Middle East. This is a complex situation. We stand with Israel against the horrific acts of violence and terrorism taken by Hamas in the attacks on Israel on October 7thand their ongoing acts of cruelty in refusing to release innocent hostages. At the same time, it is difficult to overlook or turn a blind eye to the harm being done in Gaza on a daily basis to innocent civilians, many of them children, caught in a war between Israel and Hamas, people who are displaced from their homes and have limited access to food, water, shelter and medical care. Indeed, the actions of Hamas have put innocent civilians in harm’s way on both sides of the border. One way we can get involved and care for the “widow, the orphan and the refugee” is through food aid. Canadian Foodgrains Bank supports all those who are hungry, whether in Israel or Palestine. CFB is one of the few trusted partners the Government of Canada has selected to ensure that support goes to those in real need, where it is most meeded and not to those involved in terrorism or executing violence.
Please GIVE MORE this Christmas Season.
Conversations with Jesus - The 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations
We all have conversations every day: some are casual encounters, others are with people we know. But are those conversations actually meaningful?
For 10 weeks, every Sunday morning at 10:30am, Kirk and Allyson are going to be looking at just a few of the conversations Jesus had during his ministry. And for 10 weeks, every Wednesday nite from 6:30-7:45pm, during GROW Family, we are going to learn together how to put those lessons into practice, with the help of “The 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations.”
We are going to get ready by learning the Art of Noticing, the Art of Praying and the Art of Listening. And then, we will get started by learning the Art of Asking Questions, the Art of Loving and the Art of Welcoming. And finally, we will keep it going by learning the Art of Facilitating, the Art of Serving Together and the Art of Sharing.
So join us as we take Jesus’ “Great Commission” seriously, to go and make disciples, and learn together how we can be a part of re-writing the story of our community. Sunday worship is in person and virtual while GROW Family is for all ages and happens in person every Wednesday nite. (Childcare is available on both Sunday and Wednesday)
A Sunday morning program for kids three years of age to grade 9 where we teach kids how much God loves them and how they can love God back.
At present, the program we are using for the kids aged 3 to Grade 2 is Tru Wonder. (Parents/Caregivers/Guardians please kindly follow sheets that can be done during the week that reinforce what was taught on Sunday.)
For the students that are in Grades 3 - 9, the program we are using is Forged, Faith Refined.
The Lord's Prayer
Prayer is not something that comes easily to everyone. It’s maybe the reason the disciples asked Jesus to “teach them to pray" and why Jesus taught them the prayer he did. The words may be familiar, maybe too familiar, but once we grasp Jesus’ prayer, it will not only change why you pray and how you pray but who you pray to. Along with learning this familiar prayer on Sunday mornings we also invite you to join us over the next 40 days as we pray daily. This will not only be long enough for prayer to become part of your daily routine but long enough to understand why 40 days is so important in Scripture. The adventure begins on Sunday, July 30th.
Prayer Calendar
Prayer Helps:
31 days of prayer
30 thankful prayers
30 day guide for praying through your community
How to pray: simple guide for normal people
Praying through…Overcoming obstacles that keep us from God
Christian Missionary alliance - 40 days of prayer/daily devotions and weekly devos for adults and kids (video) - everything is downloadable. https://cmalliance.org/events/40days/#:~:text=Weekly%20Prayer%20Gatherings,is%20power%20in%20praying%20together
Gospel Coalition - praying for the church around the world in 40 days https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/40-days-prayer/
Books on Prayer:
Prayer - Tim Keller
A Praying Life - Paul Miller
Draw the Circle: The 40 day Prayer Challenge - Mark Batterson has daily Youtube Videos: 40 Day Prayer Challenge
Sheltering Mercy and Endless Grace (vol 1&2) Prayers based on the Psalms - Ryan Whitaker Smith and Dan Hilt
Every Moment Holy Vols 1&2 - Douglas Kaine MacKelvy
To Light Their Way and Every Season Sacred - Kayla Craig
Pocket Prayers- Max and Andrea Lucado
Online Course:
NT Wright - $30US https://www.ntwrightonline.org/portfolio-items/lords-prayer/
Join us on Tuesday Afternoons for a great time of study and prayer, in the community of others.
Lent 2023
Join us on our Lenten journey that begins with ashes and ends with an empty tomb. You are invited to to travel with us (in person or online) every Sunday morning and 10:30am (EST) as well dig deeper with either of these Lenten Devotionals.
You’re also invited to follow along with our Lenten Project. This year we will be supporting the relief efforts in Turkey and Syria. Please print off, give generously and then bring your gifts on Easter Sunday.
On the Mark
Together we will travel through the Book of Mark as we see the Jesus of Christmas become Messiah and Son of God.
Christmas @ KesPres
Join us over the Christmas season as we move from the darkness into the light to see that, yes, the Light has come. Everyone is welcome.
Giving Christmas
Christmas is a time for giving. And nothing gives us more joy than to be able to give a gift that lights up someone's face, to hear the words, "It's perfect." But Christmas does not come easily for everyone. In fact, for many people, Christmas is depressing and anxiety producing because they don't have the resources to make Christmas perfect, and often not even as good as they would like it to be.
Each year, many of us are moved by the sacrificial giving we have seen in Jesus to give to those in need. We think particularly of children having something to open on Christmas morning. But how do we know what they would like? Or if it would fit? How do we choose for people who we don't even know?
So what if this year, we did something different? What if we helped people choose for themselves? What if we empowered our neighbours to purchase the things they actually want or need through giving them gift cards? And we did it early so that they could shop before Christmas, or if they want, save it until after Christmas? What if we gave them the gift of choice?
We can confirm that each of the 23 recipient families (this can include families with children, single parent families, couples or individuals) we have identified will receive a grocery gift card through our current donations.
We are asking you to consider supporting this Giving Christmas campaign through giving gift cards for Walmart or Giant Tiger, where people have the option to purchase clothing, other goods, and or additional groceries. Or, give a special financial donation through KesPres - whether in the offering plate at church or through online giving or through a cheque in the mail: please be sure to mark your gift "Giving Christmas" to help us know that is how you want this gift directed. All gifts must be received by Dec 11th in order for them to be delivered for recipients to use them in time for Christmas.
You can use any of the online links to give with memo: “Giving Christmas” or if you have questions please email Allyson at allyson@kespres.ca
Tuesday Study Group
Join us on Tuesday Afternoons for a great time of study and prayer, in the community of others.
Fall Launch Sunday 2020!
Join us for our Fall Launch! Beginning of Building on the Story Series and Potluck
Season's Change Craft and Gift Market
Visit us before Christmas to view some of the best local artisans at this craft and gift show!
Gather Rise
Gather Women invites Christian women from across Canada to join us at Gather Rise 2019!